~ Resting in Stillness  ~

A Healing Retreat

​Retreats are temporarily on hold. Please stay tuned.

​Resting in Stillness ~ Nature~Nurture~Nature

Dear Friends,

Change is in the air! The retreat center where we have held these Resting in Stillness retreats for the past three years is being sold and the April retreat was the last one. As I was contemplating where to go next, the solution for the May retreat fell swiftly into my lap.  
IN NATURE, OF COURSE. This is perfect since we have spent much of our retreat time being nurtured by the land. Now it’s time to embed even deeper in the natural world, reconnecting with the wisdom and healing of mother earth.

The retreat is Saturday, September 22nd, and will probably be held at Zilker Park but I will need to find the sweet spot and so that will be announced in the next week or so. We will meet from 9:00 to 2:00. This will be a love donation and all proceeds will go to support Grassroots Leadership, a non-profit which serves women refugees and women seeking political asylum. Rain date is Saturday, May 19, just in case.

Activities will include Five Elements Tai Ji, led by my Tai Ji teacher Kay Kennedy, a haiku walking/writing meditation, journaling, deep relaxation meditation and other forms of resting in nature. It’s fine to come for part of the day if that works best. We will finish the day celebrating with a picnic and a swim.

Please RSVP by sending me an email: pamelaovereynder@gmail.com, so I can keep you updated as to specific location or any last minute changes.  

I hope you will join us and help support a wonderful organization serving women. This will be the last retreat until September.

Saturday, March 10
Saturday, April 14
Saturday, May 12
Saturday, September 22
Saturday, October 20
Saturday, December 1

In Stillness,
Paméla Overeynder

Please take time to reconnect self and nature, and remember, it is a LOVE DONATION in support of Grassroots Leadership.